Tag Archives: prostitution is human trafficking

My Words as Weapons: Man Up!

real men

A new trend had developed, and it’s stupid!  More and more men in today’s society are using the excuse that they don’t have time or money to invest in developing relationships with women, so they would rather just “pay for play.”  It’s easier for them to use the working girls who are guaranteed to put out.   They are tired of taking girls out on expensive dates and “not getting any” even after a first date.  The creepy part is that those men were already trying to buy their women even before they decided to give up and move on to prostitutes.  They have a demeaning view of women in the first place and have basically decided that respecting a woman and truly taking the time to get to know her is work, while they really only want sex anyway.  Perhaps they are victims of our demanding society. I read this quote from a random john in the book I’ve been reading (The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy it):

“I grew up in the age of fast food and hi-speed internet.  I want sex NOW. Not in weeks, months? Years?!”

Who is to blame in this case, the johns or society for feeding this with the need for instant gratification at all times?  Deep down humans were all created for relationships, so this way of thinking is a perversion to the natural order of life.  And once men begin to do this, their outlooks are forever tainted and altered because the reality of relationships becomes askew.

Some men have been hurt in relationships and feel it’s safer for them to purchase sex and live out a fantasy with the women they buy.  Seriously, relationships take time and sometimes they hurt. To these men I want to say: Man up already and deal with this thing we realists call life! Sorry about your broken heart, but it happens to everyone. You live, you love, you lose, you learn, you move on. You don’t shut yourself off and just start buying people. That’s ridiculous.  That person you’re buying has feelings and emotions too and you are now victimizing her because of your selfishness and inability to deal with rejection. Sure, the one you pay for won’t reject you, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t repulsed by you just the same.

This outlook of pay for play, this mongering, needs to be addressed and stopped. Perhaps the increased number in broken homes, thus a lack of relationship modeling, combined with our society’s need for immediate gratification have led to this, but education can still lead us back. Spread the word.